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Thailand traveling

Location of Currency Exchange in Chiang Mai (super rich)

by Let's share my information ! 2023. 6. 4.

Chiang Mai has several currency exchanges where tourists and travelers can exchange money into the local currency of Thai baht (THB). Among them, the two famous currency exchanges in Chiang Mai are Super Rich and Bangkok Bank. Today is an introduction to the location of the super rich exchange center that has already become famous for Korean tourists. The reason why Super Rich Exchange is famous is because of its competitive exchange rate, which is about 0.3 to 0.7% lower than other currency exchanges, especially when 50,000 won bills were released in Korea, and it became famous among Korean travelers. If you have a 50,000 won cash bill, I recommend you to use Super Rich. The exchange rate always changes from day to day, so it's good to prepare in advance, but if you don't prefer to carry a lot of baht, it's also a good way to exchange small amounts in between your travel schedules.

Then, let's look at the inside and the location of the Super Rich Exchange Center outside, focusing on the Tapae Gate, which is frequented by tourists. First, it is the point inside the Tapegate. 주소는 25/4 Ratvithi Rd Lane 1, Tambon Si Phum, Mueang Chiang Mai District, Chiang Mai. The phone number is +6653 206799, and business hours are 9:00 to 19:00. Please refer to the map below for the approximate location based on the tape gate.

The second point is in the middle of the LUKE load. It's a point outside the Tape gate. The address is 34/4 Loi Kroh Rd, Tambon Chang Khlan, Amphoe Mueang Chiang Mai, and the contact information is +6653 206799, and business hours are 8:30 to 17:30. Please refer to the picture below for the approximate location based on the tape gate.

Chiang Mai does not necessarily exchange money only in super rich, so please refer to it, and the exchange rate at the airport is not good, so I recommend you exchange it in the city center as much as possible. Enjoy your trip.

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