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Thailand traveling

Bangkok taxis

by Let's share my information ! 2023. 5. 8.

Bangkok taxis are an affordable and convenient mode of transportation for locals and tourists alike. However, it is important to understand the fare system and characteristics of Bangkok taxis to avoid being scammed by drivers.


The fare system for Bangkok taxis is based on a meter system, with fares starting at 35 baht (approximately $1 USD) and increasing by 2 baht per kilometer. However, some drivers may try to negotiate a fixed price, which can often be higher than the metered fare. It is best to insist on using the meter and refuse any negotiated fares.


When getting into a taxi, it is important to make sure that the driver starts the meter. Some drivers may try to claim that their meter is broken and offer a negotiated fare instead. If this happens, it is best to exit the taxi and find another one.


It is also important to be aware of scams that some drivers may try to pull on passengers. For example, some drivers may take a longer route or claim that a popular attraction is closed and offer to take passengers to another location. It is best to do research beforehand and have a general idea of the route to the destination to avoid being taken advantage of.


Additionally, some drivers may try to pressure passengers into visiting certain shops or restaurants, as they receive a commission for bringing in customers. It is best to politely decline and insist on being taken directly to the destination.


In terms of responding to drivers, it is important to be respectful and polite. Many drivers do not speak English fluently, so it is helpful to have the destination written in Thai or show a map on a smartphone. It is also important to have small bills and coins to pay for the fare, as some drivers may claim to not have change.


Overall, Bangkok taxis can be a convenient and affordable mode of transportation, as long as passengers are aware of the fare system and potential scams. By insisting on using the meter, being aware of common scams, and being polite to drivers, passengers can have a smooth and hassle-free taxi experience in Bangkok.

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